Our mission is to provide the
highest quality educational
and informational programs

Fall Conference 2024

Save the date for this opportunity to gain invaluable gastroenterology insights on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood from 7am-4pm. If you have  questions, email us at info@nesgna.org.

NESGNA 2024 Board Members

Conrad Worrell RN CGRN - President
Jenn DePalo RN - Secretary
Michele Brennan-Emond RN MS CGRN - Treasurer
Sarah Argyropoulos MSN RN CGRN - Director-at-Large
Lesly Wood NP - Director-at-Large
Sandra Scolaro RN - Director-at-Large
Michelle Bettinelli BSN RN CGRN - Vendor Director
Jessica Sloyan RN -Co-Director of Program
Brittany DiPalma BSN RN - Co-Director of Program

SGNA Annual Course

Mark your calendars and plan to join your fellow GI nurses and associates at the SGNA 52nd Annual Course, taking place June 1-3, 2025, in Pittsburgh, PA! Next year’s theme, "Bridging History, Forging Futures" which honors the rich legacy of gastroenterology while pioneering innovative practices and technologies. Gain the tools and knowledge you need to excel and be at the forefront of our profession.

NESGNA Membership

Join to stay up-to-date on industry trends and evidence-based practice, receive free and discounted education, and network with others passionate about gastroenterology. Get access to benefits through December 2024.

Join or renew your membership today